A while ago I did a blog post about how long DNS resolvers hold results in cache for, using RIPE Atlas probes testing against their default resolvers (in a lot of cases, the DNS cache on their modem/router).
That showed that some resolvers will hold DNS cache entries for a whole week if asked to (https://blog.benjojo.co.uk/post/dns-resolvers-ttl-lasts-over-one-week), and I joked at the end that one could use this for file storage.
Well, I could not stop thinking about doing this. There are surely a lot of open DNS resolvers out on the internet, that are just asking to be used for storing random things in them. Think of it. Possibly tens of gigabytes of cache space that could be used!
This is not the first time something like this has been done, Erik Ekman made PingFS, a file system that stores data in the internet itself .
This works because inside every ping packet is a section of data that must be sent back to the system that sent the ping, called the data payload:
Because you can put up to 1400-ish bytes in this payload, and pings take time to come back, you can use the speed of light in fiber as actual storage.
Now obviously this is not a great idea for long term data storage, since you have to keep transmitting and receiving the same packets over and over again, plus the internet gives no promise that the packet won’t be dropped at any time, and if that happens then the data is lost.
However. DNS has caches. It has caches everywhere.
This means that the DNSFS looks a lot of the same as PingFS, but once a query is sent it should be cached in the resolver, meaning you don’t have to keep sending packets to keep the data alive!
For this to work we need a lot of open DNS resolvers. Technically DNS resolvers (except the official ones that a ISP gives out) should be firewalled off from the public internet because they are a DDoS reflection risk , but a lot of devices out there ship with bad default configuration that allows their built in DNS resolvers to be reachable from outside the LAN.
The more open DNS resolvers there are, the more redundancy (or storage space) we have.
For this, we need to scan the whole internet for resolvers. This is a slightly daunting task, however when you take into account the ranges on the internet that are not routable and ranges of those who do not want to be scanned , it amounts to about 3,969,658,877 IP addresses.
In addition to that we are looking for open resolvers, this means that the DNS server on the other end must be able to look up public domain names, most DNS servers are setup to be authoritative for a single domain name, and can’t be used by us for file storage.
For this, I am using Robert Graham’s masscan to send DNS queries to all applicable IP addresses on the internet.
However this command has a problem, I am looking for open resolvers, not just things that will reply to port 53 on UDP.
My solution is to use a great feature of the linux kernel called BPF filters (you can read a great article about BPF filters and their use to filter traffic on the Cloudflare blog). You can use them with iptables to drop any traffic you don’t want, but programmatically! One BPF rule can do a whole chain worth of work.
I managed to write a tcpdump filter that only matched the DNS responses that I wanted (ones with a single results inside them).
tcpdump -ni eth0 port 53 and udp and ip[35] != 0x01 and net
I then compiled it to a raw BPF rule using a small helper program:
root@xxxx:~/masscan# ./bpf-gen RAW 'port 53 and udp and ip[35] != 0x01 and net'
25,48 0 0 0,84 0 0 240,21 21 0 96,48 0 0 0,84 0 0 240,21 0 18 64,48 0 0 9,21 16 0 132,21 15 0 6,21 0 14 17,40 0 0 6,69 12 0 8191,177 0 0 0,72 0 0 0,21 2 0 53,72 0 0 2,21 0 7 53,48 0 0 35,21 5 0 1,32 0 0 12,21 2 0 3118915397,32 0 0 16,21 0 1 3118915397,6 0 0 65535,6 0 0 0
and then inserted it into IPTables:
root@xxxx:~/masscan# iptables -I INPUT -m bpf --bytecode "25,48 0 0 0,84 0 0 240,21 21 0 96,48 0 0 0,84 0 0 240,21 0 18 64,48 0 0 9,21 16 0 132,21 15 0 6,21 0 14 17,40 0 0 6,69 12 0 8191,177 0 0 0,72 0 0 0,21 2 0 53,72 0 0 2,21 0 7 53,48 0 0 35,21 5 0 1,32 0 0 12,21 2 0 3118915397,32 0 0 16,21 0 1 3118915397,6 0 0 65535,6 0 0 0" -j DROP
Now masscan will only see and then log results I am interested in. No need to do a 2nd pass to qualify servers.
After waiting about 24 hours for the scan to complete I got only two abuse notices! One was automated and very formal, the other not so much:
I think this guy misunderstands that a NOC abuse contact isn't for sending that kind of abuse to pic.twitter.com/t0ZIbgKyai
— Ben Cox (@Benjojo12) November 17, 2017
At the end I was left with 3,878,086 open DNS resolvers, from all ranges and places in the world. Visualised nicely from Cloudflare’s DNS traffic analytics:
Basically, where there are Cloudflare data centers, there are open DNS resolvers.
The country breakdown for open resolvers is as follows:
ben@metropolis:~/Documents/dnsfs/bulk-mmlookup$ pv ../uniqiplist.txt | bulk-mmlookup | awk '{$1 = ""; for (i=2; i<NF; i++) printf $i " "; print $NF}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n | tac
52.9MiB 0:01:03 [ 850KiB/s] [=======================================>] 100%
1498094 China
285749 United States
233549 Republic of Korea
168979 Russia
167145 Brazil
153170 Taiwan
142655 India
83581 Italy
76894 Turkey
69300 Poland
62542 Philippines
53266 Indonesia
46055 Japan
43331 Romania
40434 Bulgaria
39548 Australia
36099 Iran
32996 Canada
29971 South Africa
And ISP:
ben@metropolis:~/Documents/dnsfs/bulk-mmlookup$ pv ../uniqiplist.txt | bulk-mmlookup -type isp | awk '{$1 = ""; for (i=2; i<NF; i++) printf $i " "; print $NF}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n | tac
52.9MiB 0:00:15 [3.37MiB/s] [=======================================>] 100%
830615 4134 No.31,Jin-rong Street
355713 4837 CHINA UNICOM China169 Backbone
146755 4766 Korea Telecom
140772 3462 Data Communication Business Group
86075 4812 China Telecom (Group)
67874 9829 National Internet Backbone
62325 209 Qwest Communications Company, LLC
59514 9121 Turk Telekom
56682 3269 Telecom Italia
55965 9299 Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company
54555 4847 China Networks Inter-Exchange
50841 12389 PJSC Rostelecom
48674 5617 Orange Polska Spolka Akcyjna
47039 4808 China Unicom Beijing Province Network
35171 8866 Vivacom
33075 5650 Frontier Communications of America, Inc.
31921 9318 SK Broadband Co Ltd
30181 8708 RCS & RDS
29821 9808 Guangdong Mobile Communication Co.Ltd.
28777 17974 PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia
28731 7738 Telemar Norte Leste S.A.
25634 701 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business
23598 35819 Bayanat Al-Oula For Network Services
23427 26615 Tim Celular S.A.
23322 42610 PJSC Rostelecom
22488 7018 AT&T Services, Inc.
17009 4713 NTT Communications Corporation
14707 12880 Information Technology Company (ITC)
14259 24560 Bharti Airtel Ltd., Telemedia Services
13462 7303 Telecom Argentina S.A.
12069 6713 Itissalat Al-MAGHRIB
11865 13999 Mega Cable, S.A. de C.V.
11439 45899 VNPT Corp
10711 7922 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC
9993 45595 Pakistan Telecom Company Limited
8896 4739 Internode Pty Ltd
However, this data is kind of meaningless. Because all it is really showing is the biggest ISP and countries. So let’s try looking at the open resolvers per internet user in a country:
Country | Open Resolvers | Internet users | People per resolver |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | 729 | 37210 | 51.0 |
Grenada | 771 | 41675 | 54.1 |
Marshall Islands | 158 | 10709 | 67.8 |
Bulgaria | 40434 | 4155050 | 102.8 |
Belize | 1063 | 165014 | 155.2 |
Republic of Korea | 233549 | 43274132 | 185.3 |
Bermuda | 308 | 60047 | 195.0 |
Maldives | 968 | 198071 | 204.6 |
Guam | 601 | 124717 | 207.5 |
Antigua and Barbuda | 262 | 60306 | 230.2 |
Ecuador | 28923 | 7055575 | 243.9 |
Romania | 43331 | 11236186 | 259.3 |
Hong Kong | 18698 | 5442101 | 291.1 |
Barbados | 739 | 228717 | 309.5 |
Guyana | 954 | 305007 | 319.7 |
Cayman Islands | 136 | 45038 | 331.2 |
Seychelles | 158 | 56168 | 355.5 |
Liechtenstein | 100 | 36183 | 361.8 |
Tunisia | 13733 | 5472618 | 398.5 |
Poland | 69300 | 27922152 | 402.9 |
Georgia | 5078 | 2104906 | 414.5 |
Malta | 787 | 334056 | 424.5 |
Andorra | 155 | 66728 | 430.5 |
Moldova | 4396 | 1946111 | 442.7 |
Italy | 83581 | 39211518 | 469.1 |
China | 1498094 | 721434547 | 481.6 |
Gabon | 358 | 182309 | 509.2 |
Or, if we strip the countries with less than 1 million internet users:
Country | Open Resolvers | Internet users | People per resolver |
Bulgaria | 40434 | 4155050 | 102.8 |
Republic of Korea | 233549 | 43274132 | 185.3 |
Ecuador | 28923 | 7055575 | 243.9 |
Romania | 43331 | 11236186 | 259.3 |
Hong Kong | 18698 | 5442101 | 291.1 |
Tunisia | 13733 | 5472618 | 398.5 |
Poland | 69300 | 27922152 | 402.9 |
Georgia | 5078 | 2104906 | 414.5 |
Moldova | 4396 | 1946111 | 442.7 |
Italy | 83581 | 39211518 | 469.1 |
China | 1498094 | 721434547 | 481.6 |
Australia | 39548 | 20679490 | 522.9 |
Turkey | 76894 | 46196720 | 600.8 |
Russia | 168979 | 102258256 | 605.2 |
Singapore | 7552 | 4699204 | 622.2 |
Bolivia | 7184 | 4478400 | 623.4 |
Panama | 2673 | 1803261 | 674.6 |
Ukraine | 27718 | 19678089 | 709.9 |
Philippines | 62542 | 44478808 | 711.2 |
Kuwait | 4493 | 3202110 | 712.7 |
Lebanon | 6333 | 4545007 | 717.7 |
Costa Rica | 3486 | 2738500 | 785.6 |
Saudi Arabia | 25837 | 20813695 | 805.6 |
Brazil | 167145 | 139111185 | 832.3 |
Sweden | 10872 | 9169705 | 843.4 |
Uruguay | 2654 | 2238991 | 843.6 |
Dominican Republic | 6476 | 5513852 | 851.4 |
Morocco | 23189 | 20068556 | 865.4 |
Armenia | 1743 | 1510906 | 866.8 |
You can find the data yourself here or as a CSV here
Before testing this, I waited 10 days to allow for all of the resolvers who could be on dynamic IP addresses to change and become unusable. This waiting lost me 37.9% of my IP list.
RIPE Atlas did a decent amount of work to show that a non dismissable percentage of Atlas probes (normally on residential connections) change the public IP address once a day:
After that, I replicated the old method, a very long TTL (in this case, 68 years) and a TXT record containing the current unix timestamp of the DNS server.
The initial query rate on my DNS server was interesting, showing a large initial “rush”, likely due to some DNS resolvers having multiple levels of caches (and thus those upper caches warming up)
I then queried every server in the list every hour for about a few days using a simple tool link
Then refactored some code on the RIPE atlas post to work with my dataset. This showed that 18% of resolvers can hold items in cache for about a day:
ben@metropolis:~/Documents/dnsfs$ cat retention.csv | awk -F ',' '{print $1}' | grep -v time | ./mm -p -b 6
Values min:0.00 avg:470.30 med=56.00 max:1778.00 dev:635.18 count:2387821
value |-------------------------------------------------- percent
0 |************************************************** 45.28%
1 | 0.29%
6 | ** 2.08%
36 | ********** 9.70%
216 | ************************** 24.27%
1296 | ******************** 18.38%
ben@metropolis:~/Documents/dnsfs$ cat retention.csv | awk -F ',' '{print $1}' | grep -v time | ./mm -b 6
Values min:0.00 avg:470.30 med=56.00 max:1778.00 dev:635.18 count:2387821
value |-------------------------------------------------- count
0 |************************************************** 1081109
1 | 6816
6 | ** 49721
36 | ********** 231737
216 | ************************** 579613
1296 | ******************** 438825
The next task is to make a basic guess on how big the cache is in these 400k open resolvers. To assist in this guesswork, I queried version.bind
on every one of these resolvers, filtered down to the major brands of DNS server, and ended up with the following:
The default cache configurations for these devices are as follows:
Brand | Cache Size |
DNSMasq | 150 Entries |
BIND | 10MB worth |
PowerDNS | 2MB worth |
Microsoft | Unlimited??? |
ZyWall | Unknown |
Nominum | Unknown |
At this point I figured a maximum of 9 TXT records, each 250 character base64 string long (187 bytes ish) would be reasonable.
This means we get approximately (3 * 438825 * 187) = 250~ MB. Assuming we replicate to 3 different resolvers for each TXT record this should also prove “stable” enough to store files for at least a day.
As much as I like FUSE I found that due to modern assumptions of desktop linux it’s impractical to use it for high latency backends, which DNSFS would be since its data rate is very low (but still faster than a floppy disk!). So I chose a simple HTTP interface to upload and fetch files to and from the internet.
The DNSFS code is a relatively simple system, every file uploaded is split into 180 byte chunks, and those chunks are “set” inside caches by querying the DNSFS node via the public resolver for a TXT record. After a few seconds the data is removed from DNSFS memory and the data is no longer on the client computer.
To spread the storage load, the request filename and chunk number is hashed, then modulated over the resolver list to ensure fair (ish) spread.
For the demo, I will store one of my previous blog posts in the internet itself!
As you can see, my file has made quite a name for itself.
As always, you can find the code to my madness on my github here: https://github.com/benjojo/dnsfs
And you can follow me on Twitter here for micro doses of madness like this: https://twitter.com/benjojo12